Prevent the risk of damage to your car or company equipment with a Flood Protection Cover. These are covers are designed to totally enclose your vehicle inside a industrial grade waterproof bag for protection against extreme weather conditions such as flooding, thunderstorms, hail, snow and ice.
Vehicles submerged in water for a period of time will cause internal damage to the mechanics which could result in electrical and mechanical malfunctions with the brakes, engine, catalytic converters and much more. The damage will also cause rust, foul odours and will render the vehicle useless or needing extensive repairs.
For machinery such as forklifts, once these vehicles have been submerged, it will cause the engine to slowly degrade and rust will develop when it comes into contact with dry weather again. The cover is suitable for use outdoor and indoor, making it easy-to-use within warehouses, garages, and car parks.
For residential cars, damage sustained as part of flooding can be covered under fully comprehensive insurance, however this can differ between insurance companies depending on liability of risk.
Benefits of a Flood Protection Cover
- 100% waterproof
- UV Protection
- Use for indoor and outdoor
- PVC Coated
- Durable Tear Resistant Material
- Lightweight & easy-to-use
- All-weatherproof
- Custom Made
- 610gsm woven base polyester cloth
How to Use:
- 1. Remove the cover from it's location and place on the open ground
- 2. Unzip the cover part of the way around
- 3. Drive the vehicle inside the cover and ensure all wheels are within the cover area
- 4. Pull the top of the cover over the vehicle and zip fully around
The covers can be custom made to your size and shape, making it suitable for all types of vehicles, machinery, furniture to protect in all weather conditions.
For bespoke applications, please contact us directly and we will be more than happy to help.

Interested in Flood Protection Covers?
Get in contact with our team to discuss your bespoke requirements and application.
Tell us your specifications below and if you have any queries, call us on:
028 7964 2638 (within the UK) or 004428 7964 2638 (from the Republic of Ireland).