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Do you need a clever protective cover?
Improving lives through the manufacture of Clever Protective Covers
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Sea Lice Filter Bags

We have designed and manufacture Sea Lice Filter Bags as a clever sea lice filtration method for the Aquaculture industry. Unlike our range of Sea Lice Skirts which are designed as a barrier to prevent sea lice from reaching fish, our filter bags work as part of the fish treatment process.

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Cunninghams Sea Lice Filter Bag Schematic

How do Sea Lice Filter Bags Work?

Our sea lice filter bags are used during fish delousing. The bags are inserted and attached to the treatment pen, fitting perfectly inside the pen structure. Freshwater is then pumped into the pen to separate the lice from the fish. As the bag is made from a permeable material, it allows water to flow through whilst containing the lice which cannot penetrate through. Once the fish have been treated, the lice bag can be removed, washed and re-attached, ready for the next harvest or treatment period.

Benefits of Sea Lice Filter Bags

  1. Reusable – Our lice bags are made from lightweight and high-strength polyester, creating a permeable option for water exchange. Due to it’s robust make-up, the bag can be washed and used multiple times.
  2. Environmental Conscious – The lice bag allows for full retrieval of sea lice which can be disposed of safely, in compliance with environmental compliance regulations.
  3. Sustainability – Reduces the needs for chemical treatments used to treat infectious diseases amongst fish species.
  4. Protection – Maintaining a stable environment for fish during treatment processes can be difficult. As our lice bags attach to existing infrastructure, this will not disrupt their marine environment.
  5. Time Saver – The duration of freshwater treatments varies depending on fish species, level of lice infestation and specific farm treatment processes. The sea lice filter bag can remain a permanent pen fixture, therefore doesn’t require setup each time and reduces overall treatment times.

Our Sea Lice Filter bags can be used alongside our bespoke Sea Lice Skirts in fish farming pens. Read more about them here.

Have a look at our Aquaculture Covers Gallery for more insight into our bespoke offerings. 

Tarp Guy

Interested in More Information?


For more information on our range and suitability of our sea lice filter bags, fill in your details below and our experts will be in contact to discuss further.  Tell us your specifications and if you have any queries, you can also call us on:

028 7964 2638 (within the UK) or 004428 7964 2638 (from the Republic of Ireland). 

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