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Do you need a clever protective cover?
Improving lives through the manufacture of Clever Protective Covers
Call Us  +44(0)28 7964 2638

Cunningham Moves to More Sustainable Production Methods


After the effects of the pandemic over the past few years everyone, including many businesses, are starting to feel the effects of rising costs and energy costs in particular. In just over a year, according to mypoweruk manufacturing costs have increased by 67% and electricity costs accounting for around 20% of operating costs in the average manufacturing business. This then leads to decreasing profitability and a push for Sustainable Production Methods.

Cunningham’s purpose is to improve lives the of our customers and employees, to allow Cunningham to continue to do this, profitability is key. That is why Cunningham has moved towards more Sustainable Energy Consumption.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Since Covid hit in 2020, the UK has been focused on achieving a “Green Recovery” and Net Zero carbon emissions. Our Solar energy is just one of the clean energy alternatives that we have looked into to generate electricity without carbon pollution.

Reducing carbon footprints

Reducing our carbon footprint caused by our manufacturing has been a priority. Now with one our factories powered by solar power we are lessening the impact on the environment and our carbon footprint will have on the planet.

Some Key Statistics

Since installation of solar panels in our main factory in Maghera from February 2023

  • The panels have provided 33% of our total electricity consumption since February 2023
  • We’ve been up to 80% self-sufficient on the sunniest days
  • 3.84 tons of CO2 emissions saved since February 2023 – the equivalent of:
    • 346km air travel
    • 55,543km road travel
    • 355 trees

The installation of solar panels at our main production site has been a huge success in a number of ways. It has enhanced our sustainability goals, added to our corporate social responsibility and reduced our carbon footprint. This is just one step for Cunningham in our effort to lead the way for environmentally friendly manufacturing.

Click here to read more about our Sustainability Goals.

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